Basic Legislation of Ukraine on Culture


About libraries and library business
(unofficial translation)

A law is brought into action from the day of publishing - on February, 14, 1995
(pursuant to Decision of Supreme Soviet of Ukraine
 from January, 27, 1995 N 33/95-ВР)

With the amendments and supplements borne

  By the laws of Ukraine

 from March, 16, 2000 N 1561-III
(By the law of Ukraine from March, 16, 2000 N 1561-III

 this Law is laid out in a new release),

from December, 7, 2000 N 2120-III,

from December, 20, 2001 N 2905-III,

 from December, 26, 2002 N 380-IV,

 from March, 6, 2003 N 594-IV,

 from November, 27, 2003 N 1344-IV,

 By the law of Ukraine

 from December, 28, 2007 N 107-VI

(changes, borne by Law of Ukraine from December, 28, 2007 N 107-VI

 operate for December, 31, 2008,

changes borne by the point 52 of section of an II Law of Ukraine

 from December, 28, 2007 N 107-VI,

 it is acknowledged such, that Constitutions of Ukraine (are unconstitutional) do not answer

 in obedience to the decision Constitutional Court of Ukraine

 from May, 22, 2008 N 10-рп/2008)


This Law determines status of libraries, legal and organizational frameworks of activity of libraries and library business in Ukraine. This Law guarantees a right to free access to information, knowledge, bringing in to the values of national and world culture, science and education, that is kept in libraries.


Section And


Article 1. Determination of terms

In this Law terms are used in such value:
a library is informative, cultural, educational establishment, that has the well-organized fund of documents and gives them on rental a basis to the physical and legal persons;
library resources are the well-organized funds of documents on different data carriers, searching certificate vehicle, material and technical facilities of working, storages and information transfers;
the library system of Ukraine is the ramified network of libraries of different prospects bound by co-operation of library resources;
library business is industry of informative, cultural, educational activity of society, that includes creation and development of network of libraries, forming and treatment of library collections, organization of library, informative and bibliographic certificate maintenance of users of libraries, library personnel training, scientific and methodical providing of development of libraries;
a library fund is well-organized collection of documents, that is kept in a library;
a document is the material form of receipt, storage, use and distribution of the information fixed on a paper, magnetic, to the film, optical disk or other transmitter;
depositing is the form of collection and distribution of handwritten works mainly scientific;
informative resources are the aggregate of documents in the informative systems (libraries, archives, databases and others like that);
a library user is a physical or legal person which addresses to services of library;
inter-library subscription is the form of library service, based on the mutual use of library collections and searching certificate vehicle of libraries;
the centralized library system is association of libraries in unique integral structurally education, where a central library enters.

Article 2. Legislation of Ukraine about libraries and library business

The legislation of Ukraine about libraries and library business is based on Constitution of Ukraine and consists of Bases of legislation of Ukraine about the culture, of this Law, international agreements, a consent on obligatory of which is given by Supreme Soviet of Ukraine, and other legal normatively acts.

If by the international agreement of Ukraine, a consent on obligatory of which is given by Supreme Soviet of Ukraine, other rules are set, than those that is contained in the legislation of Ukraine about libraries and library business, the rules of international agreement are used.

Article 3. Sphere of action of Law

Action of this Law spreads on the network of operating libraries of all patterns of ownership and submission and organization of library business.

Section II


Article 4. State policy in industry of library business

In industry of library business realization of rights for citizens on library service is basis of state policy, providing of general availability to information and cultural values which are going is kept and is given in the temporal use by libraries.


supports library business and its development by the assured financing of libraries, favourable tax, credit and price policy;
finances creation of informative networks and telecommunication systems for an informative exchange, entrance in world global computer networks, association and providing of availability of the distributed library resources;
stimulates the mutual use of library resources through the system of inter-library subscription, taken catalogues, depositaries, exchange library collections, integration of libraries of Ukraine in outer informative space;
co-ordinates activity of libraries of all patterns of ownership, regulates activity of libraries which are in a public and communal domain, on the basis of co-operation;
provides development of library maintenance socially of unscreened layers of population;
develops the programs of development of library business and provides their having a special purpose financing;
creates terms for international cooperation of libraries.

Section III


Article 5. Bases of organization and functioning of the library system of Ukraine

The library system of Ukraine functions on the basis of the co-operative completing of funds and treatment of documents, searching certificate vehicle, mutual use of library resources, and also organization of research, bibliographic scientifically and methodical scientifically work.

Article 6. Types of libraries

After the value of library is divided on:

All-ukrainian national value (national, state);

republican (Autonomous Republic Crimea);






On maintenance library collections of library is:


of particular a branch;


On purpose of library is divided on:

public (popular);

special (academies of sciences, research institutes, educational establishments, enterprises, establishments, organizations);

specialized (for children, youth, persons with physical defects).

Public, special and specialized libraries can unite in the centralized library systems.

Article 7. National library of Ukraine

The national library of Ukraine is leading state cultural, educational, informative scientifically establishment, that executes the function of methodical and co-ordinating center on the questions of library science, takes part in development of state policy in industry of library business and will realize her.

The national library of Ukraine owns the powerful fund of domestic and major scientifically meaningful foreign documents and satisfies the most various necessities of society, assists to development of science, educations, cultures, are carried out by international cooperation in forming and use of world library resources.

The library fund of national library of Ukraine is national cultural property of the Ukrainian people, by inalienable component part of cultural legacy and is under the guard of the state.

National direction of activity of national library of Ukraine is provided by the specially empowered central organ of executive power in the field of culture.

The national library of Ukraine has a right to the receipt of obligatory free copy of documents pursuant to a law.

A state library gets status of national pursuant to the legislation.

Article 8. State library

A state library is the library of national value, that carries out library, bibliographic, informative maintenance of users and executes the function of all-ukrainian research, methodical and organizational center of libraries of the proper industry or categories of users.

A state library can be universal, special, specialized.

A state library has a right to the receipt of obligatory free copy of documents pursuant to a law.

Article 9. Central libraries

Central libraries are the main libraries of regions, which are under an obligation to form, keep and give in the use the most complete collection of documents within the limits of the territory, to organize the mutual use of library resources and give methodical help to the libraries of different types of the proper territories.

Public authorities and organs of local self-government must provide the priority budgetary refinancing of central libraries in accordance with the volumes of their activity.

Central libraries take part in development and realization of the government and regional programs within the limits of the jurisdiction and programs of development of library business, creation of informative networks on the basis of unique standards of treatment of documents and exchange of information.

Article 10. Organization of co-operation of libraries

For more complete satisfaction of necessities of users of libraries in information, rational use of library resources public authorities and organs of local self-government stimulate co-operation of libraries and create terms for development of inter-library subscription, taken catalogues of the automated databases, depositaries.

Providing of co-operation of libraries of different prospects is laid on the central libraries of the proper territories which are:

at national level are national and state libraries;

in the Autonomous Republic Crimea is the Republican universal scientific library name after Franko;

at regional level are regional universal scientific libraries;

at city level are city public libraries or central libraries of the city centralized library system;

at district level are district libraries or central libraries of the district centralized library system.

Article 11. Co-operation of libraries of Ukraine with enterprises, establishments and organizations

The libraries of Ukraine are component part of the informative system of the state.

With the purpose of providing of the rational use of library resources as component part of informative resources of the state libraries co-operate with enterprises, establishments and organizations, which have databases and activity of which is related to creation, collection, treatment, accumulation and saving of information.

Co-operation of libraries with enterprises, establishments and organizations can be carried out within the framework of the government and regional programs within the limits of the jurisdiction and programs of development of library business, and also on the basis of made agreements.

Section IV


Article 12. Creation of libraries

Libraries are created taking into account the socio-economic, national, cultural and educational and production necessities of society pursuant to the social norms set by the proper public authorities.

Libraries can be created on the basis of all patterns of ownership, statutory Ukraine. Public authorities, organs of local self-government, self-governing organizations, physical and legal persons, can be the founders of libraries, including foreign, in an order statutory.

A library can not have status of legal entity and be in composition an enterprise, establishment or organization.

A library, that enters in the complement of the centralized library system, can have status of legal entity.

A library operates on the basis of regulation (position), that becomes firmly established its founder (by founders). In regulation (position) of library is determined its status, pattern of ownership, sources of financing, kind and type of activity.

Article 13. Registration of libraries

Registration of libraries regardless of patterns of ownership is conducted after the place of their finding by the organs of local self-government in the order set by the legislation.

A library acquires status of legal entity from the day of its registration.

The certificate about registration of library is foundation for opening of accounts in establishments of banks.

Libraries which are not legal entities, registrations are not subject.

In the case of change of pattern of ownership or name of library its re-registering is carried out in the order set by the legislation.

The refusal in registration of library can be appealed to the court in the order set by a law.


Article 14. Reorganization and privatization of libraries

Reorganization of libraries is carried out in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine.

Libraries which are legal entities are not subject to privatization.

In the case of privatization of buildings, buildings, apartments, in which the placed libraries which are in a public or communal domain, and to give the refusals of a new proprietor in the use buildings touched by libraries, and buildings, the apartments are organs, which make decision about privatization of these buildings, buildings, apartments, provide libraries by buildings, buildings, apartments, built on the special projects, or other well-organized apartments which respond to the conditions of maintenance of users of libraries and storage of library collections.

In the case of privatization of property of legal entity, in composition of which there is a library, simultaneously with the noted property library collections and property necessary for its activity can be private, at presence of obligation of a new proprietor to continue the subsequent functioning of library during ten years. In the case of absence of such obligation the noted property is not subject to privatization, and decision in relation to subsequent his use is made in accordance with the legislation.

Article 15. Liquidation of libraries

Libraries will be liquidated after the decision:


founder - on the consent of proprietor;

in other cases foreseen by the legislation.

In the case of liquidation of state and communal enterprises, establishments, organizations, which libraries are in composition, library collections and property necessary for activity of library are passed to the libraries which are in a public and communal domain, in obedience to the decision the proper organs of executive power and organs of local self-government.

Expedience of reorganization and liquidation of libraries which are in a public and communal domain is determined by the proper organs of executive power and organs of local self-government on the concordance with the specially empowered central organ of executive power in the field of culture.

Section V



Article 16. Library collections

Library collections are formed in accordance with the value, I will make the users of library and type of library as well-organized collection of documents.

The state library fund of Ukraine consists of funds of libraries which are in a public and communal domain, funds of libraries of self-governing organizations, interrelated by the co-operation completing, unique searching certificate vehicle, by the system of depositary storage, of redistribution and mutual use of funds and represents scientific, cultural, informative potential of society.

Especially valuable, rare documents and collections join in the State register of national cultural property of Ukraine pursuant to position, which becomes firmly established Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

The archived documents collected in a library enter in the complement of the National archived fund of Ukraine by law Ukraine "About the National archived fund and archived establishments" 

(part fourth of the article 16 with the changes borne

 pursuant to Law of Ukraine from 06.03.2003 N 594-IV)

For documents, that borne or is subject to bringing to the State register of national cultural property of Ukraine, and documents, that are the unique documents of the National archived fund of Ukraine and is kept in libraries, the special mode of guard, storage and use is set.

(part fifth of the article 16 with the changes borne

 pursuant to Law of Ukraine from 06.03.2003 N 594-IV)

In case if a library does not provide necessary terms for storage and use of the documents borne to the State register of national cultural property of Ukraine, they can be passed to other libraries in obedience to the decision the proper organs of executive power on the concordance with the specially empowered central organ of executive power in the field of culture.

Article 17. Completing of library collections

Completing of library collections is carried out by the receipt of obligatory copy of documents in the order set by a law, documents, which are produced on the having a special purpose programs of books printing, acquisition of documents for the cash and non-cash accounts, receipt in a gift, depositing and other free receipt of documents.

Hardly applicable, but valuable in the scientific and artistic relation documents are passed in libraries-depositaries. The order of transmission of the noted documents in libraries-depositaries is determined by the specially empowered central organ of executive power in the field of culture.

Article 18. Account, storage and use of documents

The account, of storage and use of documents which are in library collections is carried out in accordance with the rules, ratified by the specially empowered central organ of executive power in the field of culture, and set standards, technical terms, other normative documents.

A library proprietor (founder) is under an obligation to provide the proper material and technical terms for storage and use of library collections.

Exception from the library collections of documents, including decrepit, those that lost actuality, scientific and production value or which have a defect, duplicate is carried out in an order certain by the specially empowered central organ of executive power in the field of culture. The exception of documents from library collections after ideological or political signs is forbidden.

Documents which do not enter to the State register of national cultural property of Ukraine can be passed free of charge from the funds of one libraries to other or realized.

Section VI


Article 19. Duties of libraries


Libraries by the activity provide realization of rights for citizens on library service, set by this Law.

Libraries serve library users pursuant to the rules of the use by a library, developed on the basis of typical rules, of ratified by the specially empowered central organ of executive power in the field of culture.

The use by the libraries of information about the users of library and their interests with some purpose, except for scientific, without their consent is shut out.

Libraries, regardless of patterns of ownership, that have especially valuable and rare editions in the funds, the collections attributed to national cultural property provide their proper storage and carry responsibility for their account, including to the automated databases, and also state registration.

Libraries, regardless of patterns of ownership, have no authority to withdraw and realize the documents, attributed to valuable and rare editions, unique documentary sights, except for the cases foreseen by the legislation.

Libraries are under an obligation to report about the activity before the founders and public.

Libraries, regardless of patterns of ownership and submission, obliged to fulfil proper quotas and rules set in industry of library business.

Article 20. Rights for libraries

Libraries in the order foreseen by their regulations (by positions) have a right independently: to determine maintenance, directions and forms of the activity;

to carry out economic activity, open in an order certain by the legislation, accounts in establishments of banks, including currency, to set the list of requiring payment services;

to determine the sources of completing of the funds;

to set privileges for the separate categories of library users;

to determine at the grant to the users of library of documents size of facilities which are passed to the library as providing of implementation of obligations in relation to returning of the documents got in a library, in cases foreseen by the rules of the use by libraries;

to determine prospects and sizes of indemnification of the harm, caused by the users of libraries, including fine, for violation of terms of the use by documents;

to determine the terms of the use of library collections on the basis of agreements with legal and physical entities;

to withdraw and realize documents from the funds in accordance with legal normatively acts;

to carry out in the set order collaboration with libraries and other establishments and organizations of the foreign states, to conduct international exchange documents, to be the member of international organizations, take part in realization of the government and regional programs within the limits of the jurisdiction and programs of development of library business;

to carry out other activity directed on implementation of regulation tasks, which does not conflict with laws.

A library has the right of defence of the databases created by her, and other objects of intellectual property of library, pursuant to the legislation.

Section VII


Article 21. Right of citizens, enterprises, establishments and organizations to library service

Citizens of Ukraine regardless of floor, age, nationality, education, social origin, political and religious persuasions, the places of residence have a right to library service which can be in the form of:

subscription (including inter-library);

systems of reading-rooms;

remote service by facilities of telecommunication;

library points;


The citizens of Ukraine, enterprises, establishments and organizations, have free purchase option of libraries in accordance with the necessities.

Right of citizens of Ukraine, enterprises, establishments and organizations to library service is provided by networking libraries and variety of their prospects, free of charge of basic library services.

Foreigners and persons without citizenship, that are in Ukraine on the legal grounds, use those rights to library service, that citizens of Ukraine.

Article 22. Rights for library users

Access to the documents and grant of library services to the users of libraries is carried out with inhibition of requirements in relation to providing of guard of state secret, providing of storage of funds of libraries, and also in accordance with regulations (positions) of libraries, rules of the use by libraries.

The users of libraries have a right:

free to use information about composition of library collections through a searching certificate vehicle (except for commercial databases);

free to get the consultative help in the search and choice of information generators;

free to get on rental a basis documents from the funds of library, except for the documents, acquired for the facilities got from economic activity of library;

to get documents or their copies on inter-library subscription;

to get information from other libraries, using communication channels;

to use other types of services, including on requiring payment basis;

to take part in work of library advices.

The users of libraries with the defects of sight have a right to the receipt of documents on the special data carriers through the network of the specialized and other popular libraries.

The users of libraries of child's and youth age have a right to library service in popular and specialized libraries.


Article 23. Duties of users of libraries

The users of libraries are under an obligation:

to toe the lines of the use by libraries;

to replace the lost (damaged) documents got from the funds of libraries, equivalent or to compensate their market value in the sizes set by the rules of the use by a library.

Section VIII


Article 24. State administration by library business

Common methodical guidance by libraries and co-ordination of their work is carried out by the specially empowered central organ of executive power in the field of culture.

Specially empowered central organ of executive power in the field of culture:

forms a single state policy in relation to library business in Ukraine;

develops and will realize the government programs within the limits of the jurisdiction and programs of development of library business;

it is instrumental in the centralized completing and use of library collections;

carries out co-ordination of works in relation to association of libraries in the unique library-informative system;

will organize preparation and retraining of library shots, their in-plant training;

carries out the control after activity of libraries which are in a public and communal domain, by saving by them library fund of Ukraine;

it is instrumental in scientific researches, methodical providing of library business;

will organize development of state library standards, instructions, positions, other normative documents;

can encourage the workers of library establishments by law.

The ministries and other central organs of executive power, which have in the submission of library, carry out guidance by libraries jurisdiction to them.

The ministries and other central organs of executive power, which have in the submission of library, will realize a state policy in industry of library business, the control system by the network of libraries inferior to them is determined, co-ordination of their activity is provided with the library system of the specially empowered central organ of executive power in the field of culture.

Article 25. Participation of public on library business

Citizens and their associations have a right to take part in financing of the programs of development of library business, support of the creative undertaking in activity of libraries, decision of social and domestic problems of library workers. This right will be realized by creation of reader and observant advices of libraries, eleemosynary organizations, development of charity.

Section IX


Article 26. Financing of libraries

Facilities are the basic sources of financing of libraries of state and communal patterns of ownership accordingly state and local budgets; libraries based on other patterns of ownership, are facilities of founders.

Due to facilities of state and local budgets financings of development and realization of the programs of development of library business, building and reconstruction of library buildings, buildings, apartments, development of remote service by facilities of telecommunications, other forms of maintenance of habitants of remote districts, persons with physical defects are carried out.

Sums of charges on addition to the library collections in the State budget of Ukraine and local budgets are selected by a separate line.

Refinancing of libraries can be carried out due to facilities of physical and legal persons, including foreign, due to the facilities, got libraries from economic activity, grant by the libraries of requiring payment services, offerings and other sources not forbidden by the legislation. The size of facilities which act from the additional sources of financing is not subject to limitation, these facilities can not be withdrawn on the end of fiscal year, is not taken into account at determination of volumes of the budgetary financing on a next year and must be used exceptionally on realization of regulation activity of library (acquisition of literature, hardwares and others like that).

Financing of private libraries is carried out due to facilities of proprietor and other sources not forbidden by the legislation.

Article 27. Logistical support of libraries

Providing of libraries by buildings, buildings, apartments, built on the special projects, or other well-organized apartments, which respond to the conditions of maintenance of users of libraries, storage of library collections, by the proper facilities of mechanization and automation of library processes, multiplying technique, other equipment and transport is carried out by their proprietor (by a founder).

Moving of libraries without the grant of equivalent well-organized apartment for maintenance of users of library, work of workers, storage of library collections is forbidden.

Article 28. Property rights for libraries

The state guarantees defence of property rights for the libraries of all patterns of ownership.

Lot lands, on which the located libraries, which are in a public and communal domain, is passed to them in the permanent use in accordance with the landed legislation.

Library fund, buildings, buildings, apartments, equipment and other property, that is a public or communal domain and passed by a founder to the libraries of state and communal patterns of ownership, is belonged to them on a right for the operative management.

Buildings, buildings, apartment, property, the library collections fastened after state libraries on a right for the operative management are a public domain, regardless of place of their finding.

Article 29. Economic activity of libraries

Libraries carry out economic activity in accordance with the legislation and their regulations (positions).

Libraries have a right independently to dispose in accordance with the legislation of profits from economic activity, including from the grant of requiring payment services, and the property acquired due to these profits.

Libraries which free of charge provide basic library services, in an order statutory, rid of taxation of the profits got from the grant of requiring payment services.

Section X


Article 30. Social guarantees of workers of libraries

On the workers of libraries, regardless of patterns of ownership and library status, the guarantees, set by the legislation about labour, social security, pension providing, spread.

To the workers of libraries, which work in villages and settlements, and oldsters which earlier worked in libraries in these settlements and live at them, the state in accordance with the legislation provides the free use by habitation with heating and illumination within the limits of the set norms.

Privileges on the free use by habitation with heating and illumination, foreseen by part second of this article, are given:

to the workers for terms, if the size of the given privileges in a money equivalent together with the average monthly gross income of worker for previous six months does not exceed the size of profit which gives a right to tax social deduction, in an order certain by Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine;

to the oldsters for terms, if the average monthly gross income of family in a calculation on one person for previous six months does not exceed the size of profit which gives a right to tax social deduction, in an order certain by Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

(the article 30 is complemented by a new part third

 pursuant to Law of Ukraine from 28.12.2007 N 107-VI

 in this connection to count parts third are fifth

 accordingly by parts fourth - sixth)

(changes borne by the point 52 of section of an II Law of Ukraine from 28.12.2007 N 107-VI, it is acknowledged such, that Constitutions of Ukraine (are unconstitutional) do not answer , in obedience to the decision Constitutional Court of Ukraine from 22.05.2008 N 10-рп/2008)

The raises and additional charges within the limits of the ratified fund of payment of labour of workers of libraries can be set to the workers of libraries.

Enterprises, establishments and organizations due to the personal funds can in collective agreements set additional privileges to the workers of libraries.

The workers of libraries have a right to the additional charge for the time-in-service in an order, set by Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

(action of part sixth of the article 30 is stopped for 2001 year

 pursuant to Law of Ukraine from 07.12.2000 N 2120-III,

on 2002 year - pursuant to Law of Ukraine from 20.12.2001 N 2905-III,

 on 2003 year - pursuant to Law of Ukraine from 26.12.2002 N 380-IV,

 on 2004 year - pursuant to Law of Ukraine from 27.11.2003 N 1344-IV)

Section XI


Article 31. International cooperation in industry of library business

International cooperation in industry of library business is carried out on the basis of international agreements of Ukraine, Bases of legislation of Ukraine about the culture, of this Law and other legal normatively acts.

Section XII


Article 32. Responsibility for violation of legislation about library business

Persons guilty in violation of legislation about library business carry responsibility by law.

Section XIII


1. This Law goes into effect from the day of his publishing.

2. Before adduction of laws of Ukraine, other legal normatively acts in accordance with the norms of this Law they operate in part, that does not conflict with this Law.

3. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine during three months from the day of entry in force by this Law:

to prepare and give in Supreme Soviet of Ukraine of suggestion about bringing of changes to the laws of Ukraine, that swim out from this Law;

to develop and bring to conformity with this Law the legal normatively acts;

to provide the revision and abolition by the ministries and other central organs of executive power of their legal normatively acts which conflict with this Law.

4. Point 5.1 of the article 5 of Law of Ukraine "About the value-added tax" (Information of Supreme Soviet of Ukraine, in 1997, N 21, item 156, N 51, item 305; in 1998, N 10, item 37, N 18, item 95, N 33, item 224; in 1999, N 35, item 302, N 38, item 340, N 39, item 357; with the changes, borne by Law of Ukraine from February, 17, 2000 to complement N 1460-III) by a sub item 5.1.23 such maintenance:

"5.1.23. grant by libraries which are in a public and communal domain, requiring payment services to the physical and legal persons".


President of Ukraine    
L. Kuchma
Kiev on January, 27, 1995
N 32/95-ВР